A guide to buying a TV Bed
A TV bed is a perfect place for enjoying your favourite shows and movies in peace. If you're looking to spice up a drab bedroom, or just want an upgraded home entertainment system - then this could be what's missing from life! We will cover size options as well as inform you about different types of televisions that can fit onto them so let’s get started...
The trendiest way these days seem like getting one would not only provide comfort while lying down but also give viewers another reason they may enjoy staying put after hours at work because who doesn't love watching stories unfold before their eyes?
When shopping for a TV bed, it's important to consider your room and the size of both yourself and any partners who may be sleeping alongside you. Larger people will generally benefit from a larger-sized mattress while smaller individuals should find comfort in a double bed; remember that TV beds typically come with slightly bigger dimensions than regular singles so make sure this doesn't confuse you before you purchase one.
Whether you're looking for a bed that is both stylish and functional, or one with storage space underneath it to store all your extra stuff - there's something out there! TV beds come in many different styles. Some may have built-in speakers so they can serve as your own bedroom sound system by adding sound effects at whatever volume desired when watching telly after lights out; other options allow under-bed hideaways complete and also power outlets near the headboard for charging your connected devices.
What size TV will fit into my bed? You might be surprised at the answer. The standard size for a television set has been 32" since as long ago as you can remember, but now that most TVs are larger than ever before – with some models reaching up to 43 inches– many more Standard Televisions Beds can easily accommodate them. A word of warning though: each bed manufacturer works differently and may not allow certain thicknesses due to their own space limitations so make sure first before investing in one only disappointment down the line.
Media beds provide the perfect blend of style, comfort and tech. A Media Bed with storage is an excellent investment if you want to have both a luxury TV viewing experience as well as a simple yet elegant home decor solution without having any compromise in either section! TV Beds Northwest offer a great range that includes available models both online and at our showroom in Bury.