The Benefits of the Titan Ottoman - The ultimate TV bed with storage - TV Beds Northwest

The Benefits of the Titan Ottoman - The ultimate TV bed with storage

Every now and again, innovation revolutionises the way we live our lives. The Titan Ottoman TV Bed by Kaydian, exclusively distributed by us here at, TV Beds Northwest, is precisely one such game-changer. This unique and state-of-the-art TV bed with storage is not just a bed; it's a lifestyle upgrade that brings an extraordinary level of luxury, convenience, and functionality to your bedroom. But why should you consider one? Let's delve into why this TV Bed with storage is the logical choice. 

Unrivalled Comfort and Entertainment

Nothing beats the comfort of watching your favourite shows or movies, right from the snugness of your own bed. The Titan Ottoman TV Bed ensures you enjoy that cinematic experience without ever leaving your bedroom. It's not just about catching the morning news or an evening film; it's about creating a cosy haven, where you can unwind, relax, and be entertained in the most comfortable way possible.

Spectacular Space-Saving Design

But it's not all about the built-in TV; the 'storage' aspect of this TV bed is an absolute game-changer. The Titan Ottoman TV Bed features a large storage area underneath the mattress, operating on a gas lift system, allowing you to effortlessly lift your mattress and access your stored items. This is a huge bonus for those with limited space or those who just appreciate a clutter-free environment. Your bed is no longer just a bed – it's a smart, space-saving solution.

Incredible Durability

When you invest in a TV bed with storage, you want it to last. Fortunately, Kaydian's Titan Ottoman TV Bed is designed for durability. Made with high-quality materials (like hard wood, there's no chip board or cheap materials anywhere near this bed) and a robust build, this bed withstands the test of time. The integrated TV mechanism is designed to operate smoothly for years, ensuring you can watch, relax, and sleep in your TV bed for many years to come.

Sleek and Stylish Appearance

The Titan Ottoman TV Bed is a perfect blend of practicality and style. Its contemporary design, featuring a plush, padded headboard and a sleek finish, adds an upscale touch to your bedroom decor. 


User-friendly Functionality

The Titan Ottoman TV Bed boasts a user-friendly mechanism. Its whisper-quiet motor effortlessly raises and lowers the TV into the foot of the bed with just a press of a button. Also, the easily accessible storage compartment provides a practical solution for storing bedding, clothes, books, or whatever you wish, making the Titan Ottoman TV Bed a seamless addition to your daily routine.

Exclusive Distribution by TV Beds Northwest

Being the exclusive distributor, TV Beds Northwest ensures that every Titan Ottoman TV Bed that reaches our customers has undergone a stringent quality control process. We also offer professional installation and top-tier customer service to enhance your buying experience.

The Titan Ottoman TV Bed by Kaydian, available exclusively at TV Beds Northwest, is far more than just a bed – it's a comprehensive lifestyle solution. Offering unrivalled entertainment, exceptional storage space, impressive durability, and stunning style, a TV bed with storage is an investment that will enrich your home life for years to come. Now that's what we call smart sleeping.

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