VOX - The Ultimate Small Double TV Bed - TV Beds Northwest

VOX - The Ultimate Small Double TV Bed

In an era where technology and comfort intertwine to redefine our living spaces, The VOX small double TV bed emerges as a beacon of luxury and value. This innovative bed from TV Beds Northwest is not just a piece of furniture; it's a lifestyle upgrade for those who cherish relaxation and technological integration as well as those who want to save space and save a few quid...

Design and Dimensions

At the heart of the VOX's appeal is its sleek and stylish design. Measuring 119 cm in height, 130 cm in width, and 225 cm in length, this bed fits perfectly into a variety of room sizes without overwhelming the space​​. The padded, vertically stitched headboard isn't just aesthetically pleasing; it also provides ample support for those indulgent TV marathons or late-night reads.

Voice-Activated Convenience

The standout feature of the VOX is its voice-activation mechanism. Imagine adjusting your TV with a simple voice command: "Hi TV bed, TV up/down." This futuristic feature caters to the tech-savvy and adds a layer of convenience and sophistication to your bedroom experience​​.

Comfort Meets Technology

Beneath the luxurious exterior lies a bed designed for ultimate comfort. The sprung-slatted mattress base ensures a restful night's sleep, supporting you where you need it most​​. Meanwhile, the integrated USB/USBC charging points at the foot end allow you to keep your devices powered up as you unwind. A handy pocket neatly stores these devices, keeping your bedroom clutter-free​​.


TV Compatibility and Quiet Function

The VOX is designed to accommodate a TV up to 43 inches within its slim foot end, ensuring your viewing experience is as seamless as it is enjoyable. Coupled with a remote control silent mechanism, this bed ensures your entertainment is uninterrupted by noise​​​​.

Easy Assembly and Maintenance

Assembling the VOX is straightforward, requiring approximately an hour and two people. The space needed for assembly is a modest 2.0M x 2.7M, making it manageable even in smaller rooms​​. And, if you don’t want to assemble the bed, talk to us about our assembly service.

Safety and Sustainability

Committed to your well-being and the environment, the VOX is chemical-safe, adhering to rigorous safety standards. It's constructed from recyclable materials, reflecting a dedication to environmental responsibility. The bed's structural integrity and fire safety compliance are testaments to its quality and durability​​.

The VOX small double TV bed is more than just a bed; it's a symbol of how technology can enhance our daily lives. It's an ideal choice for those seeking to blend modern technology with comfort and style in their bedroom. With the VOX, TV Beds Northwest has created not just a bed but an experience - one that transforms your bedroom into the pinnacle of luxury and convenience.

Visit at our showroom

To learn more about the VOX or to experience it in person, visit TV Beds Northwest at our state-of-the-art showroom and discover how this remarkable bed can transform your bedroom into a sanctuary of modern living.
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